Faced with the dilemma of whether it is right or wrong to kill this patch has the answer to your dilemma. Kill them all and let God sort them out. The patch measures 4×1.75 inchesThis world is full of assholes! This is something that I have discovered over the years. There are many minor assholes like the ones who drive round in their flash cars and cut you up just because they can and the ones who push past you at the supermarket etc. And then there are the major assholes.For some of these, asshole is a nice word. Take rapists and murderers for example. These are the lowest of the low and in my opinion, need to get a little taste of their own medicine. I don’t believe we should be footing the bill to put these people in prison where they will get three meals a day, cooked for them and they never have to worry about a roof over their heads.People like this should be punished according to the crime. I feel that the punishment should fit the crime and I don’t believe that they should be put away for a few years and then let out again to inflict more misery on the good people of the world. People who rape other people should be subjected to the same kind of ordeal! And murderers should receive the death penalty.In fact there are so many crimes which I feel should involve much worse punishments than they actually merit. There are too many do-gooders on this earth who feel that criminals deserve a second chance and need to be rehabilitated. Well there are many criminals who in my opinion seem to be rewarded for their crimes. They are educated while they are in prison and they get everything handed to them. There are many other people out on the street who do not get the same opportunities and all because they did not turn to crime.If you ask me, we would all be better if these lowlifes were put to death for their crimes. I have a patch on my jacket and it really tells how I feel about this. The Kill Em All Let God Sort Em Out Patch is a great way to look at this in my opinion. It costs the taxpayer money to keep these criminals detained in prison whereas if we just killed them all, we wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore.I know there will be many people reading this who think that this is not the attitude to have at all. They feel that everyone deserves a second chance. But I would bet that none of these people have ever been a victim of one of these horrendous crimes. Imagine if a murderer took the life of someone you loved, would you still feel like they deserved a second chance. If you say yes, then I’m sure you can’t be making an informed decision. Think about how you would feel if it was your young child that had been killed by someone else. Wouldn’t you want them to lose their life too?I believe that God will sort out the good from the bad and that praying is the best way to keep you on the straight and narrow. My faith keeps me strong and my advice would be to everyone to follow the words of a Christian patch on my jacket. The Lifes Short Pray Hard Patch is true and this is advice that all these lowlifes should be following as they are going to need all the help they can get.
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